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Twelve Local Engineers from Tanesco Attends Pietro Fiorentini 2-week Training in Italy and Hungary

A team of twelve Local Engineers from Tanesco have concluded a 2-week Training with Pietro Fiorentini in Italy and Hungary
In an effort to address the shortage of skills and experience in the Energy & Power sector in the country, Director of Pietro Fiorentini Tanzania Mr. Abdulsamad Abdulrahim has been working very hard to ensure that local engineers, senior managers and operation workers are empowered by building valuable skills, and helping to ensure the sustainable development of the country.
The need for skills and training are the driving force behind twelve engineers from the Tanzania Electric Supply Company  (Tanesco) attending two-weeks tailor-made training programme at Pietro Fiorentini Italy and Hungary facilities ended 7th April 2017
Pietro Fiorentini is an Italian company founded in 1940.  The company is operating in Tanzania and has physical presence in other 96 countries worldwide. Its core and operating based on Oil & Gas Upstream, Midstream, Downstream and maintenance.  It is a manufacturing company in Oil & Gas equipment, among other things; design a complete range of solutions for oil and gas streams with collaboration.
The two-week training provided a complete approach to developing knowledge in various different disciplines including technical design, engineering, assembling, operation, health & safety, maintenance and troubleshooting. At the completion of their training, the team were given official ceritificates and had oporunity for the first time to participate in the Research & Development (R&D) facilities where they witnessed the development of new products while observing engineers tasked with applied research in technological fields for future product development.
The engineers said that they were extremely pleased with the relevance of tailor-made training offered by Pietro Fiorentini, saying it would bring value to their career, and help Tanesco build more capable and skilled engineers. After completing their training in Italy and Hungary, Tanesco engineers returned to Tanzania very determined to share their knowledge with their fellow engineers and teams they work with.
Mr Abdulrahim encouraged other investors and reputable companies in the country to follow his example by building Local Content capacity as part of their investments in the country quoting

that "Any investment that's not geared towards growing Local Content, knowledge and adding value to our people in Tanzania is deceptive investment”. The team will be landing in Daressalaam this weekend from Italy.

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