Figisu ndiyo kitu mi sinaga are the opening lines to this immediately captivating track. This Swahili line describes VeeMoney to the tee. It translates as; Trouble/Drama is what I don't have. The latest video off of the Legendury Beatz mixtape Afropop 101 features East Africa's leading female act Vanessa Mdee and they opt for a vibrant lyric video for this one. Mainly to bring their fans from across the globe together and unite irrespective of where they are from. With one belief, 'Together we are CHAMPIONS!' Needless to say Legendury Beatz went IN on the production of this guaranteed club banger seen in the various elements of the production. So sit back and learn some SwagHili
For more information
Twitter: @vanessamdee
Instagram: @vanessamdee
Snapchat: moneymondays
Twitter: @legendurybeatz
Facebook: LegenduryBeatz
Instagram: @legendurybeatz_mutay X @legendurybeatz_zei