A two-day forum on the environmental challenges for Tanzania’s development and energy security will bring together key stakeholders to discuss practical short, medium and long-term solutions to the dual pressures of environmental concerns and growing energy demands this week.
Recent gas discoveries and plans for power generation using natural gas stand to bring about significant economic benefits for Tanzania. According to the MKUKUTA Report 2011, power generation was approximately at 75% of potential electricity capacity in 2010, while the rate of consumption is steadily increasing.
Addressing the current energy deficiencies plays a significant role in the achievement of the country’s development aspirations. At the same time, on the global stage, the consensus is that power generation based on coal, oil, and gas is the major contributor to climate change. For Tanzania, the potential adverse environmental consequences resulting from growth in the energy sector are an important consideration.
The event, to be held from the 13th – 14th February in Dar es Salaam and Bagamoyo, has been organised as UONGOZI Institute’s second Green Growth Platform, which combines plenary meetings and field-site visits in promoting greater understanding of particular issues in support of sustainable development.
The Vice President of Tanzania and patron of the Green Growth Platform, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Gharib Bilal will open the event, which will be followed by plenary presentations and discussion on the opportunities and challenges Tanzania faces relating to balancing growth in the energy sector with environmental sustainability, and the influence of global perspectives on Tanzania’s development in terms of energy security and environmental concerns.
Hanna Mtango, Communications Manager, UONGOZI Institute
Tel: +255 22 2602917, 0767 220 883, Email: hmtango@uongozi.or.tz